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October 1, 2010 
Thanks to all who participated to this great day.
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Design for Health

Design is the discipline of conception. Design pushes us to look not only at the beauty and functionality of objects, but more importantly at the intelligence that underlies solutions.

Because technologies and physical spaces influence how health care providers deliver care and how individuals and communities evolve and remain healthy or not, design offers a unique and very broad perspective on ways to improve population health.

We will address new medical technological breakthroughs, but also innovative health care processes and health care places, including, for instance, hospitals wherein health care providers interact with patients, home settings wherein elderly persons seek to maintain their quality of life, and the various settings wherein adults work and children play and grow.

In each of these domains, we will talk about both “small” and “big” innovations, examining how they may influence health significantly.


  Our TEDx, a brief video introduction
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