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This TEDx event is organized by the Hinnovic team, located within the Public Health Research Institute of Université de Montréal (IRSPUM).

Under the leadership of Pascale Lehoux, the team has engaged into numerous knowledge transfer and exchange activities. They include the organisation of Scientific Cafés and workshops and the creation of the Hinnovic blog, called “Health Innovations in Context.” All of these activities bring together different actors who are actively shaping health care systems and who contribute to the flow of information surrounding health innovation, such as managers, decision-makers, patient associations, scientific journalists and health care providers.

Through such innovative and interactive activities, the team seeks to disseminate rigorous information on health innovations, to present different perspectives, to prompt debates around technological innovation in health care and to enlighten public policies.

The team members are:

  Pascale Lehoux,
Full professor, Department of Health Administration at University of Montreal (DASUM), Researcher, IRSPUM
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 Pauline Boinot,
Hinnovic editor, IRSPUM
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  Geneviève Daudelin,
Research assistant, IRSPUM, contributor to Hinnovic
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  Myriam Hivon,
Research assistant, IRSPUM, contributor to Hinnovic
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  Helena Urfer,
Communication specialist, School of Public Health of University of Montreal (ESPUM)
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  Patrick Vachon,
Medialab coordinator, IRSPUM,
Technical Designer,
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